miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Literacy homework (flipped learning)

Flipped learning activity. 

1. Tienes que ver el vídeo the My Mum. (Enjoy it, it is fantastic!!) :-)
2. Páralo en la imagen que más te guste.
3. Copia la frase en el cuaderno.
No te olvides de poner the date (Monday, 28th November) y the weather (It is cold & sunny)  Thank you!! :-)
Aquí tienes el enlace al vídeo:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgdgkPVYitA

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016


Are you ready to do the experiment? You can see this girl explaining how to do the water cycle experiment.
You can do this experiment at home but you need an adult to help you.

Experiment: the water cycle.

Are you ready to do the experiment? You can see this girl explaining how to do the water cycle experiment.
You can do this experiment at home but you need an adult to help you.

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016

The Water Cycle

Listen to this song, watch the video and read the lyrics.
>>>>Click on the link<<<<
Can you solve these riddles (acertijos)?
  1. Water, water, all around me and not a drop to drink. (Where am I?)
  2. If you drop me into water I break but if you drop me from a tall building I don't break. (What am I??
  3. I am full of holes but I can hold water. (What am I?)
  4. You have a five litre jug and a three litre jug and a swimming pool full of water. (How can you measure 4 litres?)
Can you think of any riddles about water?

The Water Cycle.

Listen to this song, watch the video and read the lyrics.
>>>>Click on the link<<<<
Can you solve these riddles (acertijos)?
  1. Water, water, all around me and not a drop to drink. (Where am I?)
  2. If you drop me into water I break but if you drop me from a tall building I don't break. (What am I??
  3. I am full of holes but I can hold water. (What am I?)
  4. You have a five litre jug and a three litre jug and a swimming pool full of water. (How can you measure 4 litres?)
Can you think of any riddles about water?

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016